Process Design: Why It’s About More Than Just TimesheetsRecently, I shared a post on LinkedIn about why people don’t follow processes. I used timesheets as an example because, let’s face it, most…Feb 18Feb 18
Implementing a Culture for Continual ImprovementContinual improvement (CI) refers to the ongoing process of identifying and implementing changes to processes, products, and services to…Dec 23, 2022Dec 23, 2022
Infomation-based service delivery in a post-pandemic eraThe COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted the way that organisations operate, with many information-based service businesses shifting to…Dec 23, 2022Dec 23, 2022
4 things corporate teams can learn from an amateur football team.Like many people with an abundance of energy and absence of injury, I took to sport to blow off steam and socialise. In my younger days, I…Mar 6, 2021Mar 6, 2021